Theaters have been open for months, but the first such film has been released in the form of 'Roohi', which the audience is curious about. For which they may think of risking life and going to the theater. Stars like Rajkumar Rao and Jahnavi Kapoor are in the film. This film has been funded by the same people who gave films like 'Stree' to watch. After watching 'Roohi' one feels that the film was made only to repeat the success of 'Stree'. Perhaps the producers felt that the name of the horror-comedy has got their hands on the formula and only on its own the film can be made successful and better, but in 'Roohi', this formula has flopped badly. The film is so bad that it becomes difficult to watch.

Like the woman, the story of Ruhi is also set in a small town. Two friends Bhanvara Pandey (Rajkumar Rao) and Katanni (Varun Sharma) are journalists, but also part-time kidnappers. Tell what a bad time has come for journalists. There is an air of 'catchment marriage' in the surrounding towns. In this, any girl is picked up and married to a boy against her will. Some films have been made on this subject in Bollywood and all have been bad.

These two friends kidnap Ruhi (Jahnavi Kapoor). Before they take him directly to the wedding pavilion, such an event occurs that these two take Ruhi to the forest. At night, it is revealed that Ruhi is possessed by a soul named Afza. Here Bhuvara is hearted to Ruhi and Katni to Afza.

The story seems interested in reading or listening, but the scriptwriting, direction, and acting department left no stone unturned to spoil the film.

Now how can anyone love a witch? After all, what does Katani see in Afza? No attempt has been made to say this.

The sequence of scenes does not feel right. Anytime any scene comes out. The jokes made about the 'catch marriage' are bad. Chandeliers and sorceries only promote superstition.

Many things are unclear. For example, why did Ruhi take Ruhi to the forest? Not much information has also been given about Ruhi. These types of questions bother me while watching the film.

Kidnapping scenes are drawn too long. Funny or entertaining scenes are very rare. After Interview the film is boring and the climax extremely disappointing.

Director Hardik Mehta could not handle the film, the sub was out of control. Filming some scenes is not the only direction.

Rajkumar Rao is an excellent actor, but he disappoints in this film. Varun Sharma does not want to come out of the role of 'Fukrey'. Till how long they will keep watching in this manner. After watching Jahnavi Kapoor's acting, many filmmakers will abandon their intention to take him to their films.

Overall watching 'Ruhi' is a waste of time and money.

Producer: Dinesh Vision, Mrigdeep Singh Lamba

Director: Hardik Mehta

Music: Sachin-Jigar

Artists: Rajkumar Rao, Jahnavi Kapoor, Varun Sharma

* 2 hours 15 minutes

Rating: 1/5